It Came From The Ice by Boris Bacic

It Came From The Ice by Boris Bacic

Author:Boris Bacic [Bacic, Boris]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-01-09T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 14

Anna shifted her weight from one foot to the other. The knowledge that she was staring at the corpse of one of her friends finally set in, and it made the temperature in the room drop by fifty degrees.

Just like with Lisa, she was overcome with the realization that Cynthia had been alive and well just a while ago. She had stood on the stage, dressed nicely, singing, just looking for a way to unwind before snow-shoveling Saturday.

And now? A cold, pallid corpse, covered in dry blood, serving as a science experiment for Doctor Steward. It was difficult to believe that Cynthia would never move again, never sing, never laugh or speak with anyone. She would remain a lifeless body until decomposition reduced her to a bare skeleton.

“Come in. It’s perfectly safe. You won’t get infected.”

That sounds like something an infected person would say.

Reluctantly, Anna took the first step inside the cold room. Every subsequent step came with more ease. Doctor Steward was too focused on Cynthia, which gave Anna the necessary confidence to come closer. She stopped on the other side of the table, her brain instinctively urging her to keep some distance between both the corpse and Doctor Steward.

Cynthia almost looked peaceful in this position. No matter how much Anna tried to imagine that Cynthia was sleeping, the sickly pale color of her skin, and the hole in her forehead, and the blood that covered her made it impossible to do so. Her dress, once beautiful and glowing on the stage, matching Cynthia’s beauty, was marred with dried blood and tiny holes.


The image of needles poking out of Cynthia; Gregory’s eye impaled as he screamed… The urge to step back suddenly overcame Anna. When she looked up, Doctor Steward’s gaze was fixed on her, exhibiting a patient glare that said he was waiting for her to compose herself so he could present his discovery. She gave him a nod of approval to indicate she was ready to listen.

The doctor put the scalpel next to Cynthia’s face then placed his fingers on the side of her head and turned it in Anna’s direction. Anna didn’t like that. Cynthia looked like she could open her eyes at any moment and start screaming.

The gaping hole in her temple incongruous with the one in her forehead was impossible to miss.

“Lean closer,” Doctor Steward said in a low voice, reduced almost to a whisper.

Anna didn’t want to do that. She felt that if she did, something would jump out of the hole in Cynthia’s head and latch onto her face. Or worse, a fleshy needle would pierce her eye like it did Gregory’s.

And yet, despite her body’s protests, she did as the doctor asked, keeping her eyes glued to the hole and her peripheral vision on the doctor. She inched closer and closer to the hole, staring into the drilled tunnel that went deeper and deeper, until…

Anna froze.

“It’s a parasite,” Doctor Steward said.

He paused as if to let Anna process that information.


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